Atlanta Medical Malpractice Lawyers
Your road to recovery begins with a free, no-risk consultation. Call (404) 939-9470 today, or fill out the online form below.
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Medical Malpractice Damages
Medical malpractice victims typically suffer major losses. For instance, some victims are unable to work for an extended time period. Other victims suffer long-term impairments. We’ll make sure that your damages are fully evaluated before we settle your claim.
Our Atlanta medical malpractice lawyers can help you recover the following damages:
- Lost wages
- Medical costs
- Pain and suffering
- Permanent disability or disfigurement
Fatal Medical Malpractice
Medical negligence can be deadly. If you recently lost a loved one due to inadequate medical care, contact Graham Scofield Injury Lawyers.
Wrongful death claims enable you to recover compensation for the loss of your loved one’s care and companionship. If the deceased was your family’s breadwinner, you can also recover damages to cover your lost household income. Additionally, funeral expenses are recoverable.
Our Atlanta wrongful death lawyers will fight for the very best result. That way, you can focus your energy on recovering from your grief.
Medical Malpractice Claim Filing Deadline
There is a two-year deadline (statute of limitations) to file Georgia medical malpractice claims. The Georgia statute of limitations (SOL) usually doesn’t begin to run until the victim “discovers” that they have a legal claim. Indeed, many medical malpractice victims don’t discover their injuries until several months after the physician’s error occurred.
However, medical malpractice victims don’t have an unlimited amount of time to file their claims. They must file their claims no later than five years after the malpractice incident, regardless of when they discovered their injury. If the medical malpractice victim doesn’t file their lawsuit before the SOL expires, they’re out of luck.
There are some exceptions to Georgia’s medical malpractice SOL. For instance, if you requested your medical records and your medical provider refused to produce them, the SOL is tolled until you receive the records.
However, most SOL exceptions are often difficult to prove. Therefore, you should always try to file your medical malpractice lawsuit long before the SOL expires.
Graham Scofield Injury Lawyers Can Help You
It’s devastating when you’re injured by a medical provider or healthcare facility that you trusted. Your injuries may plague you for the rest of your life. Therefore, you deserve to be fully compensated.
At Graham Scofield Injury Lawyers, we will tirelessly fight for you to obtain justice. Just give us a call. We’re here to help you.
We represent individuals throughout the Atlanta metro area. We work on a contingency fee basis which means that you don’t pay us until we win your case.
Call us today at (404) 939-9470. Also, you may fill-out our online contact form to schedule a free case review with an Atlanta medical malpractice lawyer.