Slip and Fall Prevention in the Workplace

Slips and falls occur often in the workplace. These types of incidents frequently lead to serious injuries and in severe cases, death. According to the National Safety Council 724 workers died from a slip and fall injury in 2013.
It is important to understand that there are a variety of ways in which you can help with slip and fall prevention in the workplace to ensure your safety and the safety of your coworkers.
Our Atlanta work injury lawyers at Graham Scofield Injury Lawyers thoroughly understand how difficult the aftermath of a slip and fall injury can be. That’s why our compassionate team is here to investigate your case, file your claim, and help you receive the justice you deserve.
Our team offers free consultations, so schedule yours right away at (404) 939-9470 or by completing our online contact form.
Common Causes of Slips and Falls in the Office
As many as 67% of falls occur on the same level, while 33% are falls from a higher level, according to the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOCH).
In order to best prevent slips and falls while at work, it is important to understand what causes them in the first place.
Some common causes of slips include:
- Wet surfaces, such as spills
- Weather hazards
- Unanchored rugs and mats
- Flooring that does not have traction
Additionally, some common causes of trips are:
- Bad lighting
- Clutter in your walkway
- Cords
- Open drawers
- Blocked view
- Uneven surfaces, such as steps or thresholds
Preventing Slips and Falls at Work
In addition to laying out the numerous causes and hazards of slips, trips, and falls, the CCOCH also put together various tips that can help you and your coworkers prevent slips and falls at work. It is important to follow the below tips to the best of your ability to ensure your safety and the safety of others in the workplace.
To prevent slips, you should:
- Clean up all spills as soon as possible. If you can’t, make sure to put out a “wet floor” sign to warn your coworkers.
- Advise your coworkers to wear shoes that fit properly.
- Ensure all cables and cords in a walking area are fully covered or clearly marked.
- Get rid of burnt light bulbs and put in fresh ones as soon as possible.
- Clear all walkways of debris and any clutter.
- Suggest installing rough floor mats.
To prevent falls, you should:
- Stay attentive to your surroundings and where you are walking at all times.
- Walk at a proper pace for the surface you are on.
- Point your feet slightly outward while you walk.
- Use the handrails when they are available on stairs, etc.
- Make wide turns.
It is important to understand that if you or a loved one suffer a slip and fall in the workplace due to the fault of someone else, you have legal rights, and it is in your best interest to call an Atlanta work injury attorney at Graham Scofield Injury Lawyers right away.
Call a Skilled Atlanta Work Injury Lawyer
Slip and falls lead to severe injuries and in the worst cases, death. That’s why it is important to have an experienced lawyer fighting for you every step of the way.
For a free consultation, contact us at (404) 939-9470 or through our online online contact form.