My Child Was Injured on an Atlanta Playground

Children love playgrounds. Swings, slides, and climbing equipment offer fun and exercise. Unfortunately, for more than 200,000 children a year, a trip to the playground ends in the emergency room, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC reported that more than half of children injured on a playground suffered fractures, contusions, and abrasions. Rates of traumatic brain injury from the playground accidents has increased significantly as well. These injuries are painful, potentially debilitating, and costly.
Children injured on a playground may be entitled to compensation for their injuries. Atlanta injury lawyers at Graham Scofield Injury Lawyers can gather the facts surrounding your child’s accident and determine if there is any liability of property owners, product manufacturers, or supervising personnel. call us at (404) 939-9470 or reach out via our online contact form for a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your child’s playground injury.
Liability for Playground Injuries
Most children injured on a playground are at schools and daycare when the incident occurs. However, Georgia’s Recreational Properties Act (O.C.G.A. §51-3-20 et seq) limits premise owner liability to those on the property for recreational purposes, and it also applies to public entities such as schools. There is an exception if circumstances show a “willful or malicious” failure to warn about dangerous conditions. Because of the complexity of premises liability law, you need our Atlanta injury lawyers to review the circumstances of your child’s injury. They have experience in analyzing playground injury cases to determine the best liability theories to get the compensation your child deserves.
Other potential claims, include:
Product Liability. Manufacturers must provide equipment that is safe for its intended purposes. Playground equipment that is inherently dangerous due to poor design, such as an absence of safety rails, or from a defect, like sharp edges left uncovered, may be a sign of a product liability claim.
Supervision Liability. Children on a school or daycare playground should be properly supervised to mitigate harm. Failure to provide adequate numbers of adults to supervise, allowing small children and older kids to play in the same space, inattention of staff (they were talking or using their cell phones), could all be evidence of negligent supervision.
Compensation for Playground Injury
Playground injuries can be serious. Your child’s recovery is priority one, but if you believe there may be others responsible for the injuries, you need the help of our Atlanta injury lawyers at Graham Scofield Injury Lawyers. We have the experience necessary to sort through Georgia law and determine what claims may be available to pursue for compensation for your child. Call us today at (404) 939-9470 or use our online contact form for a free consultation.