Atlanta Crime Victim Lawyer
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If you or someone you love are a violent crime victim, you should contact an Atlanta crime victim lawyer to discuss your legal options. Many crime victims are unaware of their legal rights. For instance, some victims wrongly assume that they can’t recover monetary damages if the perpetrator is acquitted. Other victims are unaware that they can sue a property owner if the owners’ actions, or inactions, contributed to the crime.
Our skilled Atlanta crime victim lawyers have successfully represented many crime victims and their families. We’ll deliver the best customer service and the greatest result. Our prior victories and our 5-star client reviews validate that promise.
Call us today at (404) 939-9470. Also you may fill-out our online contact form to schedule a free case review with our Atlanta crime victim lawyers. If you’ve got questions, we’ve got the answers.
Atlanta Crime Statistics
Atlanta police have investigated over 100 homicide cases in 2021. At that rate, there will be at least as many homicides in Atlanta in 2021 as there were in 2020. The 154 reported Atlanta homicides in 2020 were already a 10-year high. That trend is likely to continue given that Atlanta homicides have steadily climbed since 2017.
Non-fatal crimes, such as aggravated assaults have also dramatically risen in recent years in Atlanta. For instance, Atlanta aggravated assaults were 22% higher in 2021 than in 2020 through August 1, 2021. Fortunately, other violent crimes, such as burglary, robbery and rape are down in 2021.
Typical Atlanta Violent Crimes
Here are the common types of crimes that injure Atlanta residents:
- Arson
- Assault
- Auto Theft
- Battery
- Burglary
- Homicide Crimes
- Kidnapping
- Rape
- Sexual Assault
- Vehicular Homicide
Atlanta Crime Victim Compensation
Georgia law requires criminals to compensate their victims. Unfortunately, most criminals don’t have any money. Therefore, Georgia has established a a victims compensation fund
to help crime victims recover expenses, lost income, or support as the result of the victimization. However, those compensation awards are capped at $25,000.
Atlanta crime victims can also recover compensation by filing a civil lawsuit against the criminal that injured them. In fact, a crime victim can sue the perpetrator for damages even if the perpetrator wasn’t convicted of the crime. For instance, O.J. Simpson was acquitted of two counts of murder in the 1994 slayings of his ex-wife and her friend, but a civil jury still found him liable and ordered him to pay $33.5 million restitution.
Crime victims can recover the following damages:
- Lost wages and diminished earning capacity
- Medical costs
- Pain and suffering
- Permanent disability or disfigurement
- Property damage
Wrongful Death Compensation
Many Atlanta crime victims are killed by gunfire or knife attacks. If the victim didn’t incite the attack, the surviving family members may file a wrongful death claim. Spouses, children, and parents of the deceased are all potential claimants. Also, estate representatives can file wrongful death claims.
Wrongful death claims enable you to recover compensation for the loss of your loved one’s care and companionship. If the deceased was your family’s breadwinner, you can also recover damages to cover your lost household income. Additionally, funeral expenses are recoverable.
Negligent Security Claims
Atlanta crime victims can also sue negligent third parties, such as property owners, if their actions or inactions contributed to the crime. Property owners must take reasonable steps to protect their guests and tenants from “foreseeable harms,” such as violent attacks. For instance, retail stores and apartment communities should sufficiently staff their businesses and hire nighttime security guards to patrol the premises. If they don’t do that, they may be held liable if a crime occurs and one of their tenants or patrons is seriously injured.
Our Atlanta Crime Victim Lawyers Can Help You
If you are the victim of a violent criminal act, our Atlanta crime victim lawyers can help you. We’ve recovered millions of dollars for crime victims and their families. We’re glad to help you, as well. Just give us a call.
Call us today at (404) 939-9470. Also, you may fill-out our online contact form to schedule a free case review with an Atlanta crime victim lawyer.